Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I was surfing the net, looking for some inspiration for the next item in this blog....table scape's.  I came across a photographer - (Benfield Phoyography) who has to be one of the best I have ever seen.  I invite you to look at his web page.  As a starting point the web address takes you to a Indian Wedding Welcome Party.  But please do not stop there, his web page will blow you away.  His photography is truly the best.  The only down side, he is located in Arkansas

Table scapes are lovely to look at...if they are done correctly
Table setting are called tables scapes in the industry.  By the mere name Table Scape you should invision your table setting as a indivual event.  The table scape will be one of the closest items to your guest and they are judging you based on what they see.  No Matter what your budget you can create a lovely Table Scape correctly.  I will give you a few tips and photo's

A good deal of thought should go into your centerpiece.  Scale is extremely important for visual impact.  A typical round banquet table is 60".  A bud vase with one flower is not going to work.  As a rule, the center portion of a 60" table after all the china, stemware, silver, salt and pepprt and butter is on the table is from 1' to 2" feet.

All the correct silverware, plates and stem ware for what you are serving,  If you are unsure discuss the appropriate options with your venue


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